Gay Hotline seeks older volunteers

The Gay Hotline is actively recruiting older lesbians and gay men who may be retired and have some extra time on their hands. The Hotline can put that extra time to good use. The Hotline is always looking for more Hotline workers people of any age. Right now, older gay people are not represented on the staff, and we feel that they would be a great asset to the staff. The training program for Hotline workers lasts about six weeks. Anyone interested in becoming a Hotline worker can call the Hotline (621-3880) and leave a

message for Tom, the Coordinator..

Ohter areas beside on-line phone work need help too. For example, the Hotline needs typing done from time to timework that could be done at any time convenient to the volunteer.

Help is also needed in updating and expanding the Hotline's resources. (This would involve calling various individuals and agencies to update information.)

Working as a Hotline volunteer answering the phones would generally be done


by Erich Andrews

New Year; Same Old Business As the November issue of High Gear was going to press, another case of "queer bashing" came to my attention. As it was too late to include then, I'll relat what happened now. A friend of mine of some fourteen years standing was cruising Edgewater Park and met someone called "Bob." He took this individual home. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. The next night "Bob" called and asked if my friend could pick him up at a local pizza parlor along Lorain Road in Fairview Park.

What followed was straight out of "Friday the 13th." My friend was attacked with a knife and savagely cut. Only by summoning reserves of strength he didn't know he had was my friend able to escape I with his life.

Two weeks later, police arrested a suspect based upon a composite drawing furnished with the help of my friend. THe with the help of my friend. The individual arrested is now free on bond pending trial. This person favors military/police style of dress. He sometimes wears a silver bracelet with a woman's name on it. He is about 5 ft. 11 inches in height and weighs about 160 to 170 pounds. He has blue eyes and wears wire rimmed glasses. His hair is light brown and he wears it short and curly. He also has a number of tatoos on his arms and shoulders. A word to the wise...

Hooray for Hollywood!

I don't want to steal the thunder of the review that appears elsewhere in this issue of High Gear, but I will say here that Making Love is a must see film for both the gay community and sympathetic individuals of the straight.

population. The people and the situations are real and depending upon how you look at it, the film has three happy endings. Making Love will open in the Cleveland area on February 12.

Columbus High Gear Bureau Formed This past month several individuals in the Columbus area have joined with us to produce a Columbus News section of High Gear. This is a most welcome addition. Individuals with items to contribute to the Columbus section should mail them to: High Gear of Columbus P.O. Box 30230Gahanna, Ohio 43230.


Openings on GEAR Board of Trustees Announced At the January meeting of the GEAR Foundation Board of Trustees two resignations were an-

nounced. These vacancies will be filled by a secret ballot of the Board at its March 16 regular meeting. Members who are interested in seeking a seat on the GEAR Board of Trustees or have nominations to make. should plan to attend the next regular board meeting at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, February 16, 1982 at the GEAR Community Center. Noteboth terms expire in June of 1983.

Need a Tax Write-Off in 1982? Did you know that donations to the GEAR Foundation' are tax exempt? We are about one fourth of the way. through our mortgage and there are still many things needed to up-date and up-grade the GEAR Community Center and its facilities. The way these things will be accomplished is through our fundraising events, memberships and donations. This year why not help yourself and the GEAR Foundation!

at night as the Hotline hours now are from 7 to 11 p.m. each evening. However, if there were more volunteers, the hours could be expanded to include afternoon or even-morningshifts.

We understand that many gay people need to be discreet. Working for the Hotline does not mean that one needs to be "out of the closet," merely that one wishes to help. The GEAR Community Center, which

houses the Hotline is labled. only by its address. So volunteers can and do come to the Center without worrying that their friends or employers will find out they are gay.

We know there are older gay people out there. We just don't know how to contact them. We know that having older lesbians and gay men would be a definite asset to the Hotline and the community it serves.


Cleveland's own Jack Campbell has quietly pleaded guilty to obtaining money through criminal means and has paid a $40,000 fine in Toronto provincial court.

The plea is the result of indictments stemming from a February 1981 raid on "the


Barracks," a Toronto bathouse in which Campbell holds a 30 percent interest.

Two other associates in the business venture, George Hislop (a Toronto activist) and Raymond Diemer have indicated they will fight the charges. (Advocate)


A Publication fo the GEAR Foundation Volume 8, Issue 4 1981 GEAR.

HIGH GEAR is a publication of the Gay Educational and Awareness Resources (GEAR) Foundation of Cleveland, Ohio. It is distributed free of charge in any establishment and with any organization that will permit distribution. It is a non-profit, federally tax-exempt publication.

The presence of the name or picture or other representation of an organization, place of business or person(s) in HIGH GEAR is not necessarily Indicative of the sexual orientation of such organizations or persons.

All contributions of written materials, art work or photography by members of the gay community are welcome. A' materials submitted for publication are subject to editorilization. The return of materials submitted for publication, whether used by HIGH GEAR or not, cannot be guaranteed unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope.

All HIGH GEAR staff members are volunteers except the advertising manager. Anyone Interested in working on the staff of HIGH GEAR should contact the paper at P.O. Box 6177 Cleveland, OH., 44101 or by calling the Hotline at 621-3380.

Business or organizations wishing to advertise in HIGH GEAR may obtain advertising rate cards and other information by writing to> the above address.

The deadline for HIGH GEAR publication is the 15th of the month for advertising and written material. News items accepted until the date of publication.

HIGH GEAR will not publish any material of a racist, sexist, ageist. or pomographic nature. HIGH GEAR reserves the right to apply the same standards to display advertising after notification is given the adverUser.

HIGH GEAR is copyrighted under Federal Law. Reproduction is granted to all other gay publications as long as credit is given to HIGH GEAR. Exception: Photographs copyrighted by Sally J. Mattson may not be reprinted nor reproduced in any way witout the written consent and/or fee paid to the photographer. All HIGH GEAR work is original unless otherwise noted.

HIGH GEAR PICTURE POLICY Recognizable faces will not be printed In HIGH GEAR without the consent of sald faces. This is to enable the patrons and entertainers of Cleveland's finest bars, clubs, entertainments and organizations to remain relaxed without fear of their "Images being stolen" when the HIGH GEAR staff photographets are at work.


Erich Andrews

Sally J. Mattson Photographer

Please address all correspondence to HIGH GEAR P.O. Box 6177 Cleveland, OH, 44101 or call evenings 621-6546.